Look allowed! The meat pleasure

Feast for the eyes – this old motto applies not only for the serving of food. Even in the choice of food we are looking specifically for visually appealing products. Even with high quality Dry Aged Beef one will recognize good quality at first glance. An increasing number of butcher shops, restaurants and even supermarkets therefore rely on glass maturing cabinets and showcases – as the DRY AGER® of Landig.
With all senses
When we eat, all the senses are active. We feel the consistency with our fingers, taste sour, sweet or salty on the tongue. We smell it before we taste it, and we take a close look. This behavior comes from ancient times in which the food technology was not yet available. Before anything was eaten, there was the compatibility test. Because food poisoning could be fatal. That changed with the advent of the food industry. Confidence in the new durability techniques was initially high. Until a few years, the trend has therefore reinforced the convinience product in Germany. After rotten meat scandals, repacking fraud, or the use of highly concentrated preservatives, this has changed. Especially fresh meat plays an important role. Meanwhile, many consumers remember about back to natural foods and rely rather on their own sense organs, rather than summaries.
Dry Aged Beef has Event Character
Who’s going to eat today, will often experience more than a full stomach to leave the restaurant. Many diners want to recognize culinary art and love for the product. Here, the creativity has no limits. Everything is possible, from the classic lobster tank in the gourmet restaurant to hanging vegetable garden on the ceiling of a hip Vegan Bistro. Top restaurants and steakhouses also use the visual stimuli of the meat. Because especially in Dry Aged beef applies: Good taste is visible. The dark color of dried crust or the intense pink inside reveals how the meat tastes later on the plate. On steaks specialized restaurants from Berlin to New York mature their selected pieces of meat thus intervene directly on site, in-house units with glazing. So the restaurant visitors can track their steak experience from start to finish. The steakhouse visit is a culinary event and the question of the freshness of the meat done as if by magic.
Transparency creates confidence
In DRY AGER® beef, lamb, venison or pork and sausages can mature in perfect conditions. With the glass front of the stainless steel cabinet the products remain in view. Thanks to a modern design of DRY AGER® it can also be used as a more appealing presentation cabinet. In the salesroom, the butcher or in the open kitchen in the restaurant that creates great eyes and talk abouts. Customers can even track the maturation process while looking forward to the next Dry Aged steak. This is not only create appetite, but also builds trust.